
Option Explicit
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr)
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" _
(ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _
ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _
ByVal nSize As Long, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _
(ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _
ByVal lpString As Any, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" _
(ByVal pCaller As Long, _
ByVal szURL As String, _
ByVal szFileName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, _
ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
Private Const ConfigFile As String = "config.ini"
Private Const SecName As String = "ChromeDriver" '---セクション名
Private Const KeyName As String = "ChromeVersion" '---キー名
Private Const Default As String = "" '---デフォルト値
Private Type VersionClass '---本当はクラスオブジェクトにしたいけどこれだけのためにモジュール作りたくない
Major As Long
Minor As Long
Build As Long
Revision As Long
strVersion As String
End Type
Private i As Long
Private pathArr As Variant
Private RtnCD As Long
Private RtnStr As String
Private intFF As Long
Private strUrl As String
Private ChromeVersion As VersionClass
Private ChromePath As String '---Chrome.exeが保存されているパス
Private ChromeDriverVersion As VersionClass
Private ChromeDriverPath As String '---ChromeDriverが保存されているパス
Private NewDriverVersion As String
Private objFso As Object ' Scripting.FileSystemObject '--- 「Microsoft Scripting Runtime」の参照設定
Private objFolder As Object 'Scripting.Folder
Private objRE As Object ' RegExp '--- 「Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5」の参照設定
Private xmlhttp As Object ' MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 '--- 「Microsoft XML v6.0」の参照設定
Private htmlDoc As Object 'HTMLDocument '--- 「Microsoft HTML Object Library」の参照設定
Private element As Object 'HTMLLIElement
Private Const CheckFolder As String = "drivercheck"
Private Const zipFile As String = ""
Private profile As String
Private Keys As New Selenium.Keys
Private lp As Long
Private Const defWaitMS As Long = 500
Private Const LpWaitCnt As Long = 30
Public Function SeleniumOpen(ByRef driver As Selenium.ChromeDriver) As Boolean
Select Case True
Case Len(Environ("TMP")) > 0
profile = Environ("TMP") & "\userdata"
Case Len(Environ("TEMP"))
profile = Environ("TEMP") & "\userdata"
Case Else
profile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\userdata"
End Select
On Error Resume Next '---プロセスファイルを掴んでいる場合はスキップする
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If .FolderExists(profile) = True Then '---一時プロファイル用にフォルダがあれば削除
.DeleteFolder profile
End If
.CreateFolder profile '---一時プロファイル用にフォルダを作る
End With
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run ("chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir=""" & profile & "")
On Error GoTo 0
driver.SetCapability "debuggerAddress", ""
End Function
Public Function SeleniumClose(ByRef driver As Selenium.ChromeDriver) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If .FolderExists(profile) = True Then
.DeleteFolder profile
End If
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set driver = Nothing
End Function
Public Function ViewCheck(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, ByVal by As, Optional CheckMode As Long = 0, Optional ByVal Index As Long = 1) As Boolean
If driver.FindElements(by).Count > 0 Then
ViewCheck = ViewCheckElm(driver, driver.FindElements(by)(Index), CheckMode)
ViewCheck = False
End If
End Function
Public Function ViewCheck(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, ByVal By As Selenium.By, Optional CheckMode As Long = 0, Optional ByVal Index As Long = 1, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30) As Boolean
RemainingSec = TotalWaitSec
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が存在するかチェック
If driver.FindElements(By).Count >= Index Then
ViewCheck = ViewCheckElm(driver, driver.FindElements(By)(Index), CheckMode, RemainingSec)
Exit Function
End If
driver.Wait 1000
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
ViewCheck = False
End Function
Public Function ViewCheckElm(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, element As Selenium.WebElement, Optional CheckMode As Long = 0, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrEnd
RemainingSec = TotalWaitSec
With element
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が存在するかチェック
If .IsPresent = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsPresent = False Then '---ループを抜けても要素が見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
ViewCheckElm = False
Exit Function
End If
If CheckMode <= 1 Then
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が見えているかチェック
If .IsDisplayed = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsDisplayed = False Then '---ループを抜けても見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
ViewCheckElm = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
If CheckMode <= 2 Then
If .IsEnabled = False Then '---活性化しているかチェック
ViewCheckElm = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
End With
ViewCheckElm = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ViewCheckElm = False
Debug.Print Err.Description
End Function
Public Function InputText(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, ByVal By As Selenium.By, ByVal str As String, Optional AppendMode As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal Index As Long = 1, Optional WaitMS = defWaitMS, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30, Optional ClearWaitMS As Long = 500) As Boolean
If driver.FindElements(By).Count > 0 Then
InputText = InputTextElm(driver, driver.FindElements(By)(Index), str, AppendMode, WaitMS, TotalWaitSec)
InputText = False
End If
End Function
Public Function InputTextElm(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, element As Selenium.WebElement, ByVal str As String, Optional AppendMode As Boolean = False, Optional WaitMS = defWaitMS, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30, Optional ClearWaitMS As Long = 500) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrEnd
RemainingSec = TotalWaitSec
With element
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が存在するかチェック
driver.Timeouts.ImplicitWait = 30
If .IsPresent = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsPresent = False Then '---ループを抜けても要素が見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
InputTextElm = False
Exit Function
End If
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が見えているかチェック
If .IsDisplayed = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsDisplayed = False Then '---ループを抜けても見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
InputTextElm = False
Exit Function
End If
If .IsEnabled = False Then '---活性化しているかチェック
InputTextElm = False
Exit Function
End If
focusToElement driver, element
.Click '---念のためクリックしてアクティブにする
If AppendMode = False Then '---追記モード判定
.Clear '---クリアしないと追記されてしまう
End If
driver.Wait ClearWaitMS '---稀にクリア直後に入力すると失敗することがあるので0.1秒だけ待機
.SendKeys str
.SendKeys Keys.Tab '---カーソルアウトで発火するJavaScript対策
driver.Wait WaitMS '---規定秒数待機
End With
InputTextElm = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
InputTextElm = False
Debug.Print Err.Description
End Function
Public Function InputTextScript(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, cssselectors As String, ByVal str As String, Optional ByVal Index As Long = 0, Optional WaitMS = defWaitMS, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30) As Boolean
'文字入力を色々考慮しながらやる ※Clearが効かないサイトがあるのでJavaScriptで実行する時用
On Error GoTo ErrEnd
Dim element As Selenium.WebElement
Set element = driver.FindElementsByCss(cssselectors)(Index + 1)
With element
driver.Timeouts.ImplicitWait = 30
RemainingSec = TotalWaitSec
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が存在するかチェック
If .IsPresent = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsPresent = False Then '---ループを抜けても要素が見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
InputTextScript = False
Exit Function
End If
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が見えているかチェック
If .IsDisplayed = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsDisplayed = False Then '---ループを抜けても見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
InputTextScript = False
Exit Function
End If
If .IsEnabled = False Then '---活性化しているかチェック
InputTextScript = False
Exit Function
End If
driver.ExecuteScript ("document.querySelectorAll('" & cssselectors & "')[" & Index & "].value='" & str & "'") '---JavaScriptで文字入力
.SendKeys Keys.Tab '---カーソルアウトで発火するJavaScript対策
driver.Wait WaitMS '---規定秒数待機
End With
InputTextScript = True
Set element = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
InputTextScript = False
Debug.Print Err.Description
Set element = Nothing
End Function
Public Function GetText(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, ByVal By As Selenium.By, Optional TargetAttr As String = "default", Optional ByVal Index As Long = 1, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30) As String
If driver.FindElements(By).Count > 0 Then
GetText = GetTextElm(driver, driver.FindElements(By)(Index), TargetAttr, TotalWaitSec)
GetText = False
End If
End Function
Public Function GetTextElm(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, element As Selenium.WebElement, Optional TargetAttr As String = "default", Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30) As String
On Error GoTo ErrEnd
With element
RemainingSec = TotalWaitSec
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が存在するかチェック※待機秒数はLpWaitCntで指定
If .IsPresent = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsPresent = False Then '---ループを抜けても要素が見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
GetTextElm = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
Select Case LCase(TargetAttr) '---属性指定で取得できるようにする
Case "default"
GetTextElm = .Text '---textの取得が基本
If Len(Trim(GetTextElm)) = 0 Then '---よく使いそうなValueはデフォルトでも補完対象にしておく
GetTextElm = .value
End If
Case "text" '---明示的にtextを指定するならValueは考慮しない
GetTextElm = .Text
Case Else
GetTextElm = .Attribute(TargetAttr)
End Select
End With
On Error GoTo 0
GetTextElm = Trim(GetTextElm)
Exit Function
GetTextElm = vbNullString
Debug.Print Err.Description
End Function
Public Function ButtonClick(driver As Selenium.WebDriver, By As Selenium.By, Optional Index As Long = 1, Optional WaitMS = defWaitMS, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30) As Boolean
If driver.FindElements(By).Count > 0 Then
ButtonClick = ButtonClickElm(driver, driver.FindElements(By)(Index), WaitMS, TotalWaitSec)
ButtonClick = False
End If
End Function
Public Function ButtonClickElm(driver As Selenium.WebDriver, element As Selenium.WebElement, Optional WaitMS = defWaitMS, Optional TotalWaitSec As Long = 30) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrEnd
With element
RemainingSec = TotalWaitSec
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が存在するかチェック※待機秒数はLpWaitCntで指定
If .IsPresent = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---1秒待機
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsPresent = False Then '---ループを抜けても要素が見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
ButtonClickElm = False
Exit Function
End If
Do While RemainingSec > 0 '---要素が見えているかチェック※待機秒数はLpWaitCntで指定
If .IsDisplayed = True Then
Exit Do
driver.Wait 1000 '---あえて変数ではなくて1秒待機で固定している
End If
RemainingSec = RemainingSec - 1
If .IsDisplayed = False Then '---ループを抜けても見つからないと言うことは失敗扱い
ButtonClickElm = False
Exit Function
End If
If .IsEnabled = False Then '---活性化しているかチェック
ButtonClickElm = False
Exit Function
End If
driver.Wait WaitMS '---規定秒数待機
End With
ButtonClickElm = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ButtonClickElm = False
Debug.Print Err.Description
End Function
Public Function ChromeDriverVersionCheck() As Boolean
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Select Case True
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("ProgramFiles(x86)") & "\SeleniumBasic")
ChromeDriverPath = Environ("ProgramFiles(x86)") & "\SeleniumBasic"
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\SeleniumBasic")
ChromeDriverPath = Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\SeleniumBasic"
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("ProgramW6432") & "\SeleniumBasic")
ChromeDriverPath = Environ("ProgramW6432") & "\SeleniumBasic"
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\SeleniumBasic")
ChromeDriverPath = Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\SeleniumBasic"
Case Else
MsgBox "'SeleniumBasic'のフォルダが見つかりません", vbCritical
Exit Function
End Select
Select Case True
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("ProgramFiles(x86)") & "\Google\Chrome\Application")
ChromePath = Environ("ProgramFiles(x86)") & "\Google\Chrome\Application"
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\Google\Chrome\Application")
ChromePath = Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\Google\Chrome\Application"
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("ProgramW6432") & "\Google\Chrome\Application")
ChromePath = Environ("ProgramW6432") & "\Google\Chrome\Application"
Case objFso.FolderExists(Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\Google\Chrome\Application")
ChromePath = Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\Google\Chrome\Application"
Case Else
MsgBox "'Chrome'フォルダが見つかりません", vbCritical
Exit Function
End Select
Set objFso = Nothing
With ChromeVersion
.Major = 1
.Minor = 0
.Build = 0
.Revision = 0
End With
Call GetChromeVersion(ChromeVersion.Major, ChromeVersion.Minor, ChromeVersion.Build, ChromeVersion.Revision, ChromeDriverVersion.strVersion) '---Chrome.exeのバージョンを取得する
Call GetChromeDriverVersion(ChromeDriverVersion.Major, ChromeDriverVersion.Minor, ChromeDriverVersion.Build, ChromeDriverVersion.Revision, ChromeDriverVersion.strVersion) '---ChromeDriverのバージョンを取得する
If ChromeVersion.Major > ChromeDriverVersion.Major Then '---メジャーが更新されていたら
NewDriverVersion = UpdateChromeChromeDriver(Join(Array(ChromeVersion.Major, ChromeVersion.Minor, ChromeVersion.Build), "."), ChromeDriverVersion.Revision)
RtnCD = WritePrivateProfileString(SecName, KeyName, NewDriverVersion, ChromeDriverPath & "\" & ConfigFile) '---iniを上書きする
ElseIf ChromeVersion.Minor > ChromeDriverVersion.Minor Then '---マイナ―が更新されていたら
NewDriverVersion = UpdateChromeChromeDriver(Join(Array(ChromeVersion.Major, ChromeVersion.Minor, ChromeVersion.Build), "."), ChromeDriverVersion.Revision)
RtnCD = WritePrivateProfileString(SecName, KeyName, NewDriverVersion, ChromeDriverPath & "\" & ConfigFile) '---iniを上書きする
ElseIf ChromeVersion.Build > ChromeDriverVersion.Build Then '---ビルドが更新されていたら
NewDriverVersion = UpdateChromeChromeDriver(Join(Array(ChromeVersion.Major, ChromeVersion.Minor, ChromeVersion.Build), "."), ChromeDriverVersion.Revision)
RtnCD = WritePrivateProfileString(SecName, KeyName, NewDriverVersion, ChromeDriverPath & "\" & ConfigFile) '---iniを上書きする
ElseIf ChromeVersion.Revision > ChromeDriverVersion.Revision Then '---リビジョンが更新されていたら
NewDriverVersion = UpdateChromeChromeDriver(Join(Array(ChromeVersion.Major, ChromeVersion.Minor, ChromeVersion.Build), "."), ChromeVersion.Revision)
RtnCD = WritePrivateProfileString(SecName, KeyName, NewDriverVersion, ChromeDriverPath & "\" & ConfigFile) '---iniを上書きする
End If
On Error GoTo ErrTest
With CreateObject("Selenium.ChromeDriver")
.AddArgument ("--headless")
.Get ("")
End With
ChromeDriverVersionCheck = True
Exit Function
MsgBox "ChromeDriverの起動に失敗しました", vbCritical
ChromeDriverVersionCheck = False
End Function
Private Function GetChromeVersion(ByRef Major As Long, ByRef Minor As Long, ByRef Build As Long, ByRef Revision As Long, ByRef strVersion As String)
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objRE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With objRE '---正規表現の準備
.Pattern = "([0-9]+(?=\.))"
.Global = True
End With
For Each objFolder In objFso.GetFolder(ChromePath).SubFolders
If objRE.test(objFolder.Name) Then '---正規表現でフォルダ名をマッチさせてバージョンを取得する
strVersion = objFolder.Name
If Major < CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(0)) Then
Major = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(0))
Minor = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(1))
Build = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(2))
Revision = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(3))
ElseIf Minor < CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(1)) Then
Minor = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(1))
Build = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(2))
Revision = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(3))
ElseIf Build < CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(2)) Then
Build = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(2))
Revision = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(3))
ElseIf Revision < CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(3)) Then
Revision = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(3))
End If
End If
Next objFolder
Set objRE = Nothing
Set objFso = Nothing
End Function
Private Function GetChromeDriverVersion(ByRef Major As Long, ByRef Minor As Long, ByRef Build As Long, ByRef Revision As Long, ByRef strVersion As String)
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFso.FileExists(ChromeDriverPath & "\" & ConfigFile) Then
strVersion = ReadIni(ChromeDriverPath & "\" & ConfigFile, SecName, KeyName, Default)
Major = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(0))
Minor = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(1))
Build = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(2))
Revision = CLng(Split(strVersion, ".")(3))
Else '---config.iniが無いなら作る
GetChromeDriverVersion = Default '---初期値
intFF = FreeFile
Open ChromeDriverPath & "\" & ConfigFile For Output As #intFF
Major = 1
Minor = 0
Build = 0
Revision = 0
strVersion = Default
Print #intFF, "[ChromeDriver]"
Print #intFF, "ChromeVersion = " & Default
End If
If objFso.FolderExists(ChromeDriverPath & "\" & CheckFolder) = False Then '---zip保存用フォルダが無かったら作成しておく
objFso.CreateFolder ChromeDriverPath & "\" & CheckFolder
End If
Set objFso = Nothing
End Function
Private Function UpdateChromeChromeDriver(ByVal TargetChromeDriverVersion As String, ByRef Revision As Long) As String
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Set htmlDoc = CreateObject("HTMLFile")
'Set htmlDoc = New HTMLDocument
Dim strReleaseVersion As String
With xmlhttp
.Open "GET", "" & TargetChromeDriverVersion '---Chromeドライバーが公開されているサイトからソースを取得
Do While .readyState < 4
strReleaseVersion = .responseText
If CLng(Split(strReleaseVersion, ".")(3)) > Revision Then '---リビジョンだけだと更新版がない可能性がある
strUrl = "" & strReleaseVersion & "/"
URLDownloadToFile 0, strUrl, ChromeDriverPath & "\" & CheckFolder & "\" & zipFile, 0, 0 '---ファイルをダウンロードするWinAPI
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Kill ChromeDriverPath & "\" & "chromedriver.exe" '---今のドライバーを削除する
With CreateObject("Shell.Application") '---zipを既定のフォルダに向けて解凍する
.Namespace((ChromeDriverPath)).CopyHere .Namespace((ChromeDriverPath & "\" & CheckFolder & "\" & zipFile)).Items
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End With
UpdateChromeChromeDriver = strReleaseVersion
Set htmlDoc = Nothing
Set xmlhttp = Nothing
End Function
Private Function ReadIni(ByVal FName As String, ByVal SName As String, ByVal KName As String, ByVal Default As String) As String
RtnStr = Space$(256)
RtnCD = GetPrivateProfileString(SName, KName, Default, RtnStr, 255, FName)
' 戻り値設定
If RtnCD > 0 Then
If InStr(RtnStr, Chr$(0)) > 0 Then
ReadIni = Left$(RtnStr, InStr(RtnStr, Chr$(0)) - 1)
ReadIni = ""
End If
ReadIni = Default
End If
End Function
Public Function focusToElement(ByVal driver As Selenium.WebDriver, ByVal element As Selenium.WebElement)
Dim Actions As Selenium.Actions
Set Actions = driver.Actions.MoveToElement(element)
Set Actions = Nothing
End Function
Public Function RegExpFunc(Target As String, strPattern As String, Optional Idx As Long = 0, Optional strDelimiter As String = "") As String
'Dim objReg As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp '---参照設定してればこれでもok
'Dim objMatchColl As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection '---参照設定してればこれでもok
'Dim objMatch As VBScript_RegExp_55.Match '---参照設定してればこれでもok
Dim objReg As Object
Dim objMatchColl As Object
Dim objMatch As Object
Set objReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With objReg
.Pattern = strPattern '---正規表現のパターン
.IgnoreCase = False '---大文字小文字の区別をする
.Global = True '---複数回マッチした場合は全て取得する
Set objMatchColl = .Execute(Target)
End With
RegExpFunc = vbNullString
If objMatchColl.Count > Idx Then
If Idx = -1 Then '---idxを-1でしていた時はobjMatchCollの結合モードにする
For Each objMatch In objMatchColl
RegExpFunc = RegExpFunc & strDelimiter & objMatch
RegExpFunc = Replace(RegExpFunc, strDelimiter, "", 1, 1) '---先頭に余計なデリミタがあるから一度だけReplaceで削除する
RegExpFunc = objMatchColl(Idx)
End If
End If
Set objMatch = Nothing
Set objReg = Nothing
End Function